I am reading the book Apostles of Denial at the moment, and there is an interesting section on it on how the author feels that JWs are a rationalistic group. This is an observation I myself have also made over the years through studying this religion. Although they profess faith in a supernatural being everything is rationalized logically. This is one of the reasons why they reject the Trinity and gifts and miracles for today, I feel.But if JWs believe that a supernatural God created the heavens and the earth, that Jesus rose from the dead (or rather that He was raised a spirit creature), that He walked on water, multiplied bread and fish to feed 5,000, etc, can rationalistic reasoning really be employed here? At the end of the day, there are some things that go beyond natural rationalistic reasoning, but it seems that many JWs have double standards in this area.
I have also noticed that this rationalism is entrenched in the minds of a number of JWs who leave the movement, especially with those who sort of drift and turn from all religion.
Just my curious ramblings. Any comments or thoughts most welcome.