I am reading the book Apostles of Denial at the moment, and there is an interesting section on it on how the author feels that JWs are a rationalistic group. This is an observation I myself have also made over the years through studying this religion. Although they profess faith in a supernatural being everything is rationalized logically. This is one of the reasons why they reject the Trinity and gifts and miracles for today, I feel.But if JWs believe that a supernatural God created the heavens and the earth, that Jesus rose from the dead (or rather that He was raised a spirit creature), that He walked on water, multiplied bread and fish to feed 5,000, etc, can rationalistic reasoning really be employed here? At the end of the day, there are some things that go beyond natural rationalistic reasoning, but it seems that many JWs have double standards in this area.
I have also noticed that this rationalism is entrenched in the minds of a number of JWs who leave the movement, especially with those who sort of drift and turn from all religion.
Just my curious ramblings. Any comments or thoughts most welcome.
You make insightful comments. As one of Jehovah's Witnesses it it refreshing to find someone asking good questions.
I believe I can help answer your concern. To put it simply, an entity powerful enough to make and sustain the entire universe would have no problem manipulating matter to produce food or allow a human to be supported by the surface tension of water. I would look forward to more questions.
Hi Matt, Good to have you here. Good points but this still goes beyond our reasoning doesn't it?
Also, if we accept this then why do some reject the concept of God working in a miraculous way today, for example? Should the Devil really have control of all the supernatural relams and false miracles today. Does God really stand quitely by when those who serve Him need Him to move supernaturaly?
I am not sure what you mean but JW's do beleive that occaisionally God will intervene in certain matters but only to make sure His purpose is carried out. Satan is being allowed to 'sift' Jesus' disciples.
"But whether there are [gifts of] prophesying, they will be done away with; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will be done away with. 9 For we have partial knowledge and we prophesy partially; 10 but when that which is complete arrives, that which is partial will be done away with." - 1 cor 13:8-10
after the apostles died there were no longer any 'miracles.'
but as matt said sometimes jehovah intervenes if it is needed for his will the be accomplished.
"I returned to see under the sun that the swift do not have the race, nor the mighty ones the battle, nor do the wise also have the food, nor do the understanding ones also have the riches, nor do even those having knowledge have the favor; because time and unforeseen occurrence befall them all." - ecclestiastes 9:11
if you believe that god does intervene in our lives then is he also being neglectful when he doesn't act?
you have to remember that god can and will undo all the suffering and pain in this world when his kingdom rules over the earth (matthew 6:10). but for what ever reason god saw fit to no longer provide miracles after it was shown that jesus was god's son and that the apostles had god's blessing in forming the christian congregations.
You need to remember that the Corintians text on gifts, in context, appears to do with when Christ returns then these gifts will no longer be needed. This comes out in verses 10 'when that whcih is complete arrives' and in verse 12 'see face to face' Of course the gifts will cease one day. When Christ returns for His Church why do we have need of them then? But prior to that time there doesn't seem any reason why God would not continue to bestow them.
I know JWs believe Christ's return was in 1914 but that is another topic for another thread...Think it may be a good idea to do so watch this space. Would be good to discuss the 1914 generation subject as well.
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